Gaming Platforms Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages of Mobile Games:
Convenience - The games on a mobile phone can be taken wherever your phone goes. The freedom of having no leads or power input, a lightweight device, a screen and controller all-in-one and of course you don't always need internet to play them. If you have a smartphone, you can play!Cost - If we're being realistic most video games are well about £10 or £20, which is pretty pricey for something you'll only use a few times before you inevitably get bored and move on. Most mobile games cost around 50p - £2 which is a massive difference if you ask me that could save you a lot of money.
Social - Many mobile games have leaderboards and ways to play multiplayer. This could be anything from walking around together using a GPS based app, like Pokemon Go, to explore together to sending other people present and gifts in game.
Creativity - These games are much cheaper to develop and publish than any other, meaning that thriving minds who cannot afford the pricey side of the industry get a good chance at making a name for themselves, showing their true colours and great mind.
Updates - Mobile games always seem to be ones updating, although it is annoying it is vital for a good reliable game.
Disadvantages of Mobile Games:
Graphics - Of course mobile games are well received but as the phone screen is so small it is pretty difficult to have decent graphics, and even if they do they're hard to see and appreciate the work. There isn't a dedicated graphics card like in a good gaming PC so frames will drop.
Health Implications - Staring at any screen is bad enough for a long time, but imagine staring at a 5" screen if not smaller for more than 5 minutes without feeling your eyes strain. Hard huh?
Distraction - The problem with them for being so convenient is that they can be used in most situations. Including school if you're sneaky enough. You could be walking down a street and walk into a lamppost because you weren't paying attention. Don't worry I've done that too... If we are being serious though you could walk into a road without thinking or trip over, we're clumsy enough at the best of times.
Advantages of Arcade Machines:
Money - Although it may not make you a millionaire you can still make a little money back even with the original cost after a while.Nostalgia - The fact that people can play some of their favourite games still today, even if its updated and better graphics wise its still a major factor and love of many.
Family and Friends - When you go to amusement arcades you don't tend to go on your own. A lot of the time its a fun thing to do with your family and possibly friends when you're all on holiday. Its a classic and its not as expensive as swimming with dolphins.
Disadvantages of Arcade Machines:
Money - The buyer may get their money back but the user will definitely waste theirs.Popularity - Some people may love them but unless you live near an amusement arcade, which in the UK is pretty unlikely unless you live near popular seaside holiday area, you won't use them for than 3 days a year.
Hygiene - A lot of people tend to use the arcade machines at peak times and they don't often get cleaned. This probably won't bother you that much until you finish and realise.
Games - One game = one machine
Maintenance - A lot of the time the games are unreliable, and most of the centres don't bother to fix them for weeks. This could be to do with the price of the upkeep however.
Addiction - Arcade machines can promote addiction and gambling habits.
Advantages of Console Games:
Online Shopping - Most consoles you can buy things on from their own stores and download them. This saves having to go into your town centre and buying a physical copy, also this often can save you money with offers.Popularity - Unlike arcade games that are only popular in holiday times, consoles are always in fashion and are always there to use. New games are constantly coming out with newer concepts and action.
Multiplayer - You can actually play online with friends if you would like.
Disadvantages of Console Games:
Price - Consoles themselves can cost around £200 - £400 brand new and they also will keep coming out with newer consoles. The games themselves are around £15 - £60 with them also coming out with newer versions.Distractions - Like mobiles they are distracting from school and work.
Health Implications - Your posture tends to be worse when playing on console and PC as you have to play sat down in the same position constantly. Most of the time without any support for your back or neck.
A seven minute debate between Consoles and Pcs.
Advantages of PC Games:
Online Shopping - Like consoles their are many online marketplaces, the most common being Steam and Origin.Controllers - You can not only use a keyboard and mouse, but also a controller from an Xbox or PS4 etc. Making many games easier to play.
Other uses - You can listen to music, use the internet, watch films, do work all on the same platform with little worry.
Games - PCs have the widest variety of game choices I know of and its pretty ridiculous.
Mods - Why not use the community to your advantage. Want to play as a cartoon character in Grand Theft Auto? Sure go ahead!
Disadvantages of PC Games:
Performance - PC specs often need upgrading to play a lot of games as they each PC does not have dedicated games for that specific brand or specs.Expensive - A decent computer that can run games at the high settings the game was made for can cost anything from £750 -£2000 depending on the deal and brand.
Systems - Most games are unplayable on Apple and especially Linux. You are mainly stuck on Windows for your gaming addictions which isn't always the best.